LAST PAIRS £160 Barracuda Mephitex Dark Brown Guaranteed Waterproof
This shoe guarantees an unparalleled comfort and an exceptional fit. The SHOCK-ABSORBER, in the outsole, and the detachable insole, with integrated SOFT-AIR Technology, help to minimise impact for a gentle, effortless walk. The AIR-BAG system is a bonus for a comfortable walk: it cares for your back, relieves your intervertebral discs and prevents back pain. The AIR-RELAX technology respects the anatomy of the foot to prevent fallen arches. This lace-up shoe ensures optimum comfort and an excellent fit. Robust and versatile, this shoe lined with MEPHI-TEX ensures maximum breathability and lasting impermeability. MEPHISTO BARRACUDA MT | Men Outdoor Shoes Dark Brown Leather Crumpled Effect